Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Reagents


STEMium® is a serum-free medium designed for optimal growth of human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells under feeder-free conditions.


  • A standardized growth medium for promoting long-term culture of human pluripotent stem cells while maintaining their pluripotency.
  • It contains physiological levels of bFGF without increasing other growth factor concentrations in the medium.
  • Medium adaption is not required.
  • An affordable growth medium that requires no additional supplements or feeder cells.


StemDS® stem cell dissociation solution is an animal component-free, sterile solution. It is specifically designed for the optimal dissociation of adherent human pluripotent stem cells during routine subculturing.


  • StemDS is ready-to-use for easy and fast sub-culturing, and requires no additional scraping tools.
  • Provides minimal damage to cells during routine passaging, and produces a high cell recovery rate, while maintaining their pluripotency.
  • Quick and efficient dissociation by working within minutes to detach adherent human pluripotent stem cells.
  • It is animal component-free and does not contain any mammalian or bacterial-derived products.


    Visit our Stem Cell Video Library for Detailed Instructions on Culturing Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

    Passaging Human Pluripotent Stem 

    Cells Using STEMium® and StemDS®

    ©2011 ScienCell Research Laboratories | 6076 Corte Del Cedro, Carlsbad, CA 92011 | (760) 602-8549 | |

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